Legal & Regulatory

Could an Airport Body Scanner See a Tampon?


Could an airport body scanner see a tampon? When it comes to airport security, travelers often have questions about what ...

Can Airport Scanners See Fake IDs?


Imagine you’re about to embark on an international journey. You’ve packed your bags, double-checked your itinerary, and you’re heading to ...

Can I Bring CeraVe on a Plane?


Have you ever wondered if you can bring your favorite skincare products, like CeraVe, on a plane? If so, you’re ...

Will TSA Take My Vape Out of My Carry-on?


Will TSA take my vape out of my carry-on? This is one of the most commonly asked questions especially for ...

Can You Bring Ceramics on a Plane?


Can you bring ceramics on a plane? Traveling with personal items that hold sentimental value or are necessary for your ...

Can I Carry a Lotion in My Purse on a Plane?


Preparing for a trip can prove to be a challenge especially when it comes to packing personal care items. Travelers ...