Does it Snow in China? 8 Places that You're Likely to Experience Snow in China


Does it snow in China? YES, it does but in a few places.

China does get snow, but only in a few places.

Although the country’s average temperature is quite warm, a few high-altitude areas receive snowfall during the winter season.

However, whether or not you will encounter snow is entirely dependent on where you intend to visit in China.

If you travel to Northern China, you are more likely to see snow.

Snow does not fall frequently in China’s southern areas.

So, if you want to see snow in China, you should plan your trip during the winter and carefully select the place you visit.

If you want to guarantee that you experience some snow, you could always go backpacking through a number of cities.

So, let’s take a look at some Chinese cities and analyze the probability of snowfall in each of them.

Does it Snow in China?

Yes, it does snow especially in the northern parts of the country. Let’s look at some of the places that experience snow.

Does it Snow in Beijing?

So, does Beijing experience some snow? The wonderful news is that it does.

Beijing is one of the Chinese towns that transforms into a winter wonderland during the winter.

You’ll witness amazing views of snow on the Great Wall of China and on house rooftops.

It snows so much in fact that there are ski resorts in the city where you can face the snowy hills.

Snow typically begins to fall around the end of November.

So, if you want to see snow in Beijing, plan your arrival date appropriately.

Does it Snow in Qingdao?

The next issue is whether or not it snows in Qingdao.

That is dependent on the situation. Summer temperatures in the metropolis are generally high.

In the winter, however, the temperature can plummet to as low as 31 °F. Despite the cold winter temps, there isn’t likely to be much snow in Qingdao.

On rare instances, there may be light snowfall.

As a result, Qingdao may not be the best city for making snowmen or having snowball fights.

However, if you’d like to witness the beauty of snow falling in the breeze and resting on rooftops, you can do so in the city during the winter.

If you want to see snow in Qingdao, I suggest reading some weather reports before planning your trip.

You don’t want to come late and miss out on the snow.

So, prepare your warm coats and ear muffs and prepare for a wintry adventure in Qingdao!

Does It Snow in Sichuan?

We now know that snow falls in Beijing and Qingdao.

So, if you’re still wondering “does it snow in China?” The response is emphatically yes.

Does it, however, snow in Sichuan? Let us explore further.

Sichuan is located near the mountains, so temperatures can drop quite low during the winter.

Especially if you move to higher elevations. If you want to see heavy snowfall, you can ascend one of the mountains.

Just make sure to dress appropriately and carry the necessary equipment. Weather conditions in the highlands can become quite severe.

If you don’t feel like climbing the mountains, you’ll also encounter snow in the city.

Thick layers of snow will cover the ground and the roofs of buildings. If you intend to travel, exercise caution.

The roads become icy and may be dangerous to travel on.

At the very least, you’ll be able to participate in the Sichuan snowball battle.

There will even be enough snow for a sculpture to be built.

This makes Sichuan an ideal destination for a snow-filled family vacation.

Your children will have a great time leaping around in the snow.

So, does China get snow? It does if you go to Sichuan!

Does it Snow in Shanghai?

Shanghai is one of China’s most famous tourist destinations.

It is well-known for its beautiful historical sites, making it an epic place to explore if you want to discover more about China’s history.

However, does it snow in Shanghai?

Unfortunately, snow is extremely uncommon in Shanghai.

However, if you’re feeling fortunate, you might see a little snow.

Just because snow is uncommon in this metropolis doesn’t mean there won’t be any.

It might not be the best location to make snowmen or celebrate a white Christmas.

If you want to be sure you’ll see snow in China and have your heart set on visiting Shanghai, I highly suggest checking weather reports before you book your trip.

During the winter, I also suggest backpacking through Shanghai, Sichuan, and Beijing.

This will allow you to have a complete snow experience if the snow in Shanghai is insufficient.

Shanghai is still a fantastic winter destination.

Especially if you prefer a gentle snowfall.

Places With Snowfall You Have to See

Now that we’ve answered the query “does it snow in China?” Let’s explore several of the areas in China that have snowfall that you must see.

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We’ll also look at some of the most famous attractions in each city. So, let’s get right to it!


Beijing is not only the most famous tourist destination in China, but it is also the country’s capital.

As previously stated, if you visit Beijing at the appropriate time of year, you will almost certainly see snow.

I’m confident you’ve heard of The Great Wall of China. This is China’s most famous tourist destination.

The Great Wall of China is already a sight to witness. Can you imagine how much more beautiful it is when it is snowing?

Yes, it’s an incredible sight that you won’t quickly forget.

If you intend to ascend the Great Wall of China during the winter, bring warm clothing as you will be at high elevations.

Also, keep an eye on your approach because the steps may become slick. The Forbidden City is another must-see in Beijing.

This site features one-of-a-kind architecture that will leave you speechless.

It was originally constructed as an imperial palace that was closed to the public.

The Forbidden City dates back centuries and once housed an imperial household.

Only the imperial family and their servants were allowed entry.

However, the Forbidden City is now a popular tourist destination that visitors can explore.

The Prince Gong Mansion is another fantastic location to visit in Beijing.

The house has some of the most stunning architecture you’ll ever see.

The building also reflects some of China’s distinct architectural culture. Beautiful gardens greet you as you approach the mansion.

The best part is that if you visit the mansion at the correct time, the gardens will be covered in snow.

You’ll genuinely feel as if you’ve stepped into a winter wonderland.

If you want to immerse yourself in Chinese history, the Ming Dynasty Tombs are also a must-see.

You can walk through the tomb or enjoy a tour with a guide to discover more about the individuals who were once buried there.


If you like beer, you should put Qingdao on your vacation bucket list.

This city is best recognized for having the second largest brewery in all of China. This is genuinely very good news.

We’ve all heard that a few glasses of beer will provide you with a beautiful beer blanket to keep you warm during the winter.

Since we’re talking about breweries, the first of the best locations to visit in Qingdao is the Tsingtao Brewery Museum.

This brewery has everything you need and more to have a fantastic experience.

You can take a tour of the brewery or join up for a beer-tasting event.

You can also purchase your preferred beers from the bar area. Laoshan Mountain might be the best location in Qingdao to see snow.

The snow will most likely be resting on the high peaks.

So, if you’d like to get to the snowy regions, it’s necessary to put your fitness to the test and climb up the mountain.

Don’t be put off by the precipitous ascent.

When you reach the top of the mountain and see the view, you’ll understand that the hike was well worth it.

You’re unlikely to see snow at the Golden Sandy shore because it never really snows by the shore.

It is, however, important to note.

This is one of China’s most stunning beaches.

If you come during the summer, you can cool off in the ocean.

However, swimming in the ocean during the winter is not something I would suggest.

The water will be exceedingly cold, potentially putting your body into shock. You could even develop gangrene.

Swimming is therefore best saved for the season.

Another location in Qingdao where you might see snow is the Yangkou Scenic Area.

Because the region is quite elevated, it experiences much colder temperatures.

Hike to one of the elevated terrains for a bird’s eye view of the snow-covered landscape below.

You’ll also get to see snow dropping around you, which will be spectacular.

Just keep an eye on your move because the terrain can become quite slippery when it snows.

There is one certainty. Visiting Yangkou Scenic Area is unquestionably worthwhile.

Huangshan City

Huangshan city is a Chinese metropolis that receives a lot of snow during the winter season.

It is best known for the delicious teas that are made in the city.

Particularly their green tea. Huangshan City is situated in eastern China and has beautiful mountain views.

As previously stated, mountain terrains are the most likely to have snowfall.

It is best known for the delicious teas that are made in the city.

Particularly their green tea. Huangshan City is situated in eastern China and has beautiful mountain views.

As we all know, mountainous terrains are the most likely to have snowfall.

Take a hike up Huangshan Mountain if you’re prepared to brave the cold.

Because you’ll be at high elevations, it’s inevitable to spot some snow.

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The Huangshan Mountain is awe-inspiring.

The landscape below will be seen from above.

On top of that, you’ll be able to see the snow-covered mountains that encircle you.

On the mountain, there is a secure walkway with a barrier fence.

Just be cautious because the mountain is quite large.

It may be more difficult to walk if you ascend it while it is snowing.

Furthermore, the pathway may be quite slick.

So, keep your balance while admiring the scenery.

If you want to enjoy the weather while staying warm, the Huangshan Taiping cableway is an option.

The cableway is located high in the sky and provides a bird’s eye perspective of the city below.

You’ll be enveloped by accumulating snow as you glide through it during the winter.

You’ll also be able to see the snow on the high peaks that surround you.

If you look closely, you can see snow on the rooftops of the buildings below you.

The best aspect is that the cableway cart will keep you warm and safe.


“Does it snow in China?” If you are still doubting about snow in China, then you should head over to Tianjin.

This is one of the most snow-covered towns in China.

The city is situated in Northern China, which is where you’ll find your ideal winter paradise.

Tianjin, believe it or not, is most well-known for having some of the finest seafood in China.

So, where should you go in this snowy wonderland?

Simply take a trip on the Tian Jin Zhi Yan to get started.

This is one of China’s largest Ferris spinners.

It stands 393 feet tall and provides a bird’s eye perspective of the beautiful city.

Winter is a particularly beautiful time to ride the Ferris wheel because you can see all of the snow-covered rooftops.

The Dule Temple is another must-see in Tian Jin Zhi Yan.

This is an old Buddhist temple bordered by some of the most stunning constructions you can ever imagine.

Visiting the shrine will also help you become acquainted with Chinese religious culture.

The finest winter paradise in Tianjin can be found at Baxianshan National Natural Reserve.

The nature area is already stunning.

The trees are laden with snow during the winter season, and the waterways freeze over.

You’ll stroll through snowy woods that look like they belong in a fairytale.

Additionally, if you’re searching for the complete winter package, stop by Jizhou International Skiing Center.

This is a beautiful resort with snow and more snow. You have the option of going snowboarding or snowshoeing.

Naturally, making a snowman and having snowball fights are possibilities.

However, Jizhou International Skiing Center has so many other exciting activities to do in the snow that you’ll probably forget about snowmen.

Aside from the diversity of snowy activities available, the skiing center is also visually appealing.

There will be snow in the bushes as well as mountains of snow forming slopes.

There are even shops where you can get warm drinks if the cold weather is making you tremble.

Jizhou International Skiing Center is a snow wonderland.


Xian’s winter is comparatively cold and dry.

The usual temperature is around 0 degrees Celsius, and there is frequently a light dusting of snow.

There are, however, plenty of activities to do and see in Xian.

To begin, exploring indoor attractions is a good way to avoid the cold.

The Terracotta Army and the Shaanxi History Museum are two examples.

You can also go skiing at the Cuihua Mountain Ski Resort if you want a snowy winter sport.

Alternatively, you can warm up by swimming in Tangyu’s hot spring spa.

Check out the 8th-century Small Wild Goose Pagoda to see Xian’s grandeur in the snow.

This location previously housed Buddhist scriptures and artwork.

Visit Huaqing Pool on the eastern outskirts of Xian, which was an imperial garden during the Tang Dynasty.

Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park

Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park is located on the Tibetan plateau in the Min Mountains region.

As a result, the area has distinct ecological and climate conditions.

In reality, unlike most of China, it has all four seasons, but it has hot summers and freezing winters.

That is why, while it is beautiful all year, it evolves into a white fairytale country in the winter.

The park, in particular, is blanketed in stunning white blankets of snow, and everything from the summits of the mountains to the waterfalls freezes.

To be more specific, snow falls in Jiuzhaigou Valley between October and April.

It also has a typical temperature of -1 degrees Celsius.

In addition, January is the coldest month of the year and the finest month to see snow.

It usually has 4 millimeters of snow. However, at higher altitudes, snow may remain on the ground all year.


Harbin is without a question China’s most well-known winter vacation destination.

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After all, every January it holds the world’s largest ice festival.

Locals and visitors can engage in every imaginable winter sport during the festival.

You can, for example, visit the Ice & Snow World Scenic Area, where you can walk inside a fairy-tale world filled with spectacular castles, towers, and other beautiful structures made of ice blocks and snow.

The Sun Island Harbin International Snow Sculpture Art Expo is another great place to experience Harbin’s winter wonderland.

It includes snow sculptures the scale of buildings.

The Yabuli Ski Resort is the best place in Harbin for an adventurous winter holiday.

It is the biggest and most professional ski resort in Harbin, if not China, attracting skiers of all levels in the winter.

Yabuli Ski Resort typically starts in late November and closes in late March.


Winter vacations in a snow-covered metropolis are unquestionably magical. However, some people opt to avoid the bitter cold.

So, if you want to enjoy a tropical winter vacation in China, Sanya is the best spot to go.

Sanya is a lovely beach resort on the south coast of Hainan Island with a subtropical environment.

As a result, even in the cold, the temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius.

With mild breezes and warm temps, this coastal city is ideal for unwinding on the beach under a large umbrella and watching children play in the sand or the shallow blue waters.

Aside from the beach, there are several beautiful tourist sites to visit, including Tianya Haijiao Resort, Mt Nan, China’s southernmost mountain, and China’s largest coral Nature Reserve.

How Long Does It Snow in China?

As previously stated, the winter season in most areas of China begins in December and lasts until February, with January being the coldest month overall.

However, if we look at the nation as a whole, the snow season begins as early as October in the northeast, such as the city of Harbin.

In reality, snow may fall in Beijing in October and November, but this is an uncommon occurrence, and the snow is very light.

So, if we’re asking how long the snow season lasts in China, the response could be as long as seven months!

How Much Does It Snow in China?

While snow can last for up to six months, the quantity varies by region.

Snow depths in the northern and western regions can approach 2 meters.

However, snowfall in most metropolitan areas and southern regions is frequently less than 25 mm.

Does it Snow in China? Winter in China by Month


Snow period in China formally begins in October, but it starts in Harbin on the northeastern plain.

Snow is scarce at this time of year.

The utmost is up to 10mm, while in cities like Beijing, it is around 2mm.


The temperature drops substantially in November, particularly in the north.

Anticipate temperatures as low as -15 degrees Celsius and snow accumulations of up to 13 millimeters in Harbin.

In Beijing, however, even though the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius, snowfall stays comparable to October’s total.


In most areas of China, the climate in December is comparable to that of November.

This means that cold winter descends in mild temperatures and snowfall is common in most cities.

Conditions in the northern and mountainous regions, on the other hand, are bitterly cold, snowfall levels increase considerably, and surfaces may freeze.


January is China’s coldest month, so it’s not surprising that snow falls throughout the month in many areas of the country.

The coldest temperatures documented in January are below -20 degrees Celsius, with snowfall totaling approximately 6 mm.

However, the snow does not thaw due to the cold weather, resulting in a snow depth of at least 50 centimeters.


In general, the temperature starts to rise in February, particularly as the spring season approaches.

Nonetheless, snowfall in many areas of China is still around 3 mm for the entire month.

Even in Beijing, there are occasional small snowfalls.

Final Thoughts on the Question: Does it Snow in China?

Does it snow in China? The answer is YES.

Snow does fall in China, but only in a few locations.

Although the country’s average temperature is quite warm, snowfall occurs in a few high-altitude regions during the winter season.

However, whether or not you will encounter snow depends entirely on where you plan to travel in China.

There are many places that you can have a fantastic winter vacation within the country.

Some of these places are home to amazing ski resorts where you can engage in several winter activities.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head over to China for an amazing winter experience!

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